Assistance for Sexual Assault Survivor at Penn State DuBois
- Call 911 for immediate assistance
- Go directly to Penn Highlands of DuBois (formerly DuBois Regional Medical Center) located at 145 Hospital Avenue, DuBois, PA 15801. Sexual Assault Nurses are available to assist those who have experience sexual assault.
- Contact Student Affairs at (814) 375-4766 , Health Services (814) 375 - 4765 or Counseling Services (814) 375-4832
- Contact PASSAGES at (814) 371-9677 or visit with a PASSAGES Counselor on campus by contacting (814) 375-4832 for an appointment.
- Additional information and resources can be found at
Sexual Violence Education at Penn State
Open to all Penn State students, this eLearning module allows you to learn the facts about sexual assault and sexual harassment, as well as develop practical skills to keep you and your friends safe. First year students should take Penn State AWARE, which can be found at this site
Bystander Intervention
The Stand for State strategy is a comprehensive approach to violence prevention that capitalizes on the power of peer and cultural influence across all levels of the socio-ecological model. Informed by social change theory, the model targets all community members as potential bystanders, and seeks to engage them, through awareness, education, and skills-practice, in proactive behaviors that establish intolerance of violence as the norm, as well as reactive interventions in high-risk situations – resulting in the ultimate reduction of violence. Specifically, the program targets influential and respected individuals from across community subgroups. The goal is for these groups to engage in a basic education program that will equip them to integrate moments of prevention within existing relationships and daily activities. By doing so, new norms will be introduced and those within their sphere of influence will be significantly influenced to move from passive agreement that violence is wrong, to active intervention. Conceptually, Stand for State is comprised of three basic components: Stay tuned for dates on the Stand for State training! To sign up, contact Jill Betton, [email protected].
Sexual Assault Awareness... Because rape is everyone's problem
Rape is not just a women's problem. Nor is rape something that happens to someone else, somewhere else. It happens everywhere, every day, every minute to girls and women of all ages. Family and friends of the victim are also affected. We are all affected. Rape is the result of a culture that promotes male dominance and views women as inferior beings. It's the extreme expression of a continuum of sexist behaviors that inhibit women from having equal access to opportunities; these behaviors range from sex-role stereotyping and sexist remarks and jokes to sex-based discrimination and, ultimately, to actual sexual harassment and violence against women.
Rape is a significant problem on college campuses across the nation, where most victims are acquainted with their assailants. At Penn State approximately 100 students sought assistance for sexual assault during the 1996-97 academic year.* Most of these students (80 percent) knew the person who attacked them. Alcohol was involved in at least 70 percent of the cases. The effects of rape on these student victims can be devastating, creating emotional, trauma-related difficulties and, consequently, disrupting or ending their academic careers. In fact, in 1996-97 three students at Penn State planned to withdraw from the University and two became pregnant as a result of their experience.
*All data about sexual assault is compiled by the Sexual Assault Committee from reports submitted by staff who provide direct services to student victims of sexual assault. Incidents were not investigated, except when reported to the police. Incidents are not categorized based on legal criminal definitions.
What Is the Crime of Rape?
According to Pennsylvania law, rape, which is a first-degree felony, is sexual intercourse obtained:
- through "forcible compulsion," *
- through threat of "forcible compulsion,"
- when a person is unconscious or unaware that intercourse is occurring even though conscious,
- when a mental disability renders a person incapable of consent,
- when a person is less than 13 years of age even though consent is given,
- when the offender gets his victim drunk or high for the purpose of preventing resistance without the knowledge of the victim.
* "Forcible compulsion" is defined as "compulsion by use of physical, intellectual, moral, emotional, or psychological force, either expressed or implied," and does not require that the victim resists the offender.
Sexual assault, which is a second-degree felony, consists of non-consensual sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse includes vaginal, anal, or oral sex. There must be some penetration, however slight, but ejaculation is not necessary.
Aggravated indecent assault, also a second-degree felony, consists of penetration of the genitals or anus by a part of the offender's body without consent.
Indecent assault is unwanted touching of intimate parts of the body and is a second-degree misdemeanor.
Rape and sexual assault can be committed by a stranger, acquaintance, close friend, relative, date, or a spouse. Alcohol or other drug use can impair an individual's ability to give consent. The penalties range from imprisonment for up to two years for indecent assault to imprisonment for up to ten years for sexual assault and twenty years for rape, in addition to fines and restitution. The statute of limitations for reporting rape, sexual assault, and aggravated indecent assault is five years and two years for reporting indecent assault.
How to Deal With Rape: Learn the Facts
Myths about rape are pervasive in our culture. They function to discredit victims and make them feel personally responsible so they will not report the rape. Myths also give women a false sense of security and disinhibit the behavior of rapists. Replacing myths with facts is the first step in altering the conditions that lead to rape.
MYTH: Rape can't happen to me or to someone I know.
FACT: Rape victims come from all socioeconomic classes and ethnic backgrounds and range in age from 3 months to 97 years. Men and boys can be victims, too. The highest rape victimization rate is for women between the ages of 16 and 19; the second highest is for women between the ages of 20 and 24. The average age of sexual assault victims at Penn State is 19.
MYTH: Most rapes are committed by strangers in a dark place at night.
FACT: Approximately 80% of the students who sought services for sexual assault at Penn State were assaulted by an acquaintance. National data also indicate that most sexual assaults and rapes are committed by someone the woman knows. Rape can take place anywhere, at any time. Many acquaintance rapes occur in the context of a dating relationship and typically take place on the man's turf. For college women, their normal social environment - a party where alcohol is used - involves more of a risk for sexual victimization than does walking alone down a dark street.
MYTH: Rape is a sexual crime, impulsively committed by a man for sexual gratification.
FACT: Rape is a crime of violence and aggression. Its intent is to overpower, degrade, and humiliate the victim.
MYTH: Women provoke rape by how they behave, dress, or where they choose to go. Rape is the victim's fault.
FACT: Rape is never the victim's fault. If a woman wants to be involved sexually with a man, it would not be necessary for him to use force or threats of physical violence. Research shows that rapists look for available women they perceive as vulnerable.
MYTH: In a dating situation, when a woman says "no," she really means "yes."
FACT: "No" means No.
MYTH: Women report rapes to get even with men or to protect their reputations.
FACT: According to the FBI, fewer than 2 percent of reports of rapes are false, which is the same percentage for the false reporting of other crimes. In fact, anywhere from 50 to 90 percent of all rapes are not reported to the police.
Take Action
Women and Men:
Think about what your sexual limits are, and be prepared to communicate them directly.
- Be aware of sex-role stereotypes that prevent you from acting as you want to, such as a woman not being able to initiate sexual activity or a man not being able to say "no."
- Pay attention to nonverbal behaviors, including the signals you may be sending. Make sure that your body language is consistent with verbal messages.
- Remember that alcohol and other drugs can interfere with your ability to communicate effectively and deal with potentially dangerous situations. Be responsible in your decision making with regard to alcohol and drugs.
Learn to be assertive and speak directly. Don't worry about being polite. Expect and demand that your rights and feelings be respected.
- Be aware that some men make assumptions about a woman's willingness to engage in sexual activity because of her behavior. If she's drinking heavily, dressed provocatively, or goes to his room, he may assume that she's available.
- Trust your instincts. If the situation doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Confront the person immediately or leave.
- Avoid being in a vulnerable situation with someone you don't know well.
- Know how you're getting home from a social event.
- Use common sense to avoid stranger attacks: lock your doors, cooperate with residence hall security measures, try to walk with someone at night, stay alert to your surroundings, take well-lit walkways.
- In a dating situation, listen carefully to the woman's statements. If you're confused about what she means, particularly if you feel that she's giving a mixed message, ask for clarification.
- Don't make assumptions about a woman's behavior. You can't assume that a woman who drinks heavily, dresses provocatively, or goes to your room wants to have intercourse with you; if she consents to kissing or petting, again, don't assume that she's willing to have intercourse.
- Assume that "no" means No.
- Do not exploit others sexually. Focus on consent and mutuality.
- Avoid responding to peer pressure that encourages "scoring" and bragging about sexual activity. Instead, use peer pressure positively to discourage exploitation of women. For example, don't engage in "locker room" talk about women or laugh at rape jokes.
- Confront exploitative and/or violent behaviors when they are occurring. As difficult as it may be, you truly will be helping all those involved.
Know What to Do When Someone Is Raped
No matter how careful you or your friends are, it may not be possible to prevent a rape. Then it becomes important to know what to do to help yourself or a friend feel safe again. Remember, it is not your fault or her fault. No one asks to be raped, and no one deserves it.
After a rape occurs, a female victim should:
- Get the victim to a safe place as soon as possible.
- Try to preserve all physical evidence. The victim should not bathe, shower, douche, use the toilet, or change clothing until she has a medical exam.
- Contact the police. The emergency telephone number 911 is a free call from any public telephone. Rape is a crime; it is important to report it. However, reporting a crime is not the same as prosecuting. The decision to prosecute can be made at a later time.
- Get medical attention as soon as possible. An exam will determine the presence of physical injury, sexually transmissible diseases, or pregnancy; it is important for her well-being. The exam, if done within seventy-two hours following the rape, can obtain evidence to assist in criminal prosecution. If the victim is worried about pregnancy, Emergency Contraception Pills can be administered within 72 hours of the sexual assault to help prevent pregnancy.
- Contact a close friend who can be with her for support. The friend can accompany her to the medical exam and/or police department.
- Consider talking to a counselor. She may be feeling a variety of strong emotions: fear, anxiety, depression, guilt, powerlessness, shame, shock, disbelief, embarrassment, denial, anger. She may also have some physical problems, such as sleep disturbances and nausea. Therefore, seeing a counselor may be important in helping her understand her feelings and begin the process of recovery.
- Get a copy of Penn State's Guide for Sexual Assault Victims in order to learn more about medical care options, emotional support services, and police and legal services.
As a friend of a victim, there are things you can do to help. The kind of support she gets determines how quickly she will heal from the rape. It's important to listen in a nonjudgmental way, let her know she is not to blame, encourage action, let her regain control of her life by making decisions she needs to make, and understand that each victim reacts and recovers differently. Most likely you will be affected, too, so take care of yourself and your own needs as well.
For Male Victims:
While most victims of sexual assault are women, men can be victims, too. At Penn State the same medical, emotional, and legal services are available to men. Health care is provided through Penn Highlands DuBois.
What Penn State Is Doing About Sexual Assault
- Ensures access to medical care.
- Provides the services of a victim/witness advocate
- Provides sexual assault counseling, including crisis services, through Passages
- Offers the "trauma drop," a procedure for the retroactive withdrawal from semesters or dropping of courses, for victims of violence. Contact Student Affairs for more information.
- Includes a Policy Statement on Sexual Assault and Abuse in the Code of Conduct, which specifies that "The Pennsylvania State University will not tolerate sexual assault or abuse, such as rape (including acquaintance rape) or other forms of non-consensual sexual activity. These acts degrade the victims, our campus community, and society in general. While the University cannot control all the factors in society that lead to sexual assault and abuse, the University strives to create an environment that is free of acts of violence." Violations of the policy are subject to disciplinary proceedings through Student Conduct.